Can’t you find the meaning of “Aa Ka Ma Boi”? Here we are with the real meaning with some images that you can share with your dear ones. Find the latest Aa Ka Ma Boi Images for 2024 in high quality. Download them to your PC or mobile and share with friends and Family. You should also browse the latest Happy Kartika Poornima Pictures now.
Here is Aa Ka Ma Boi line in Odia (Lyrics):
ଆ କା ମା ବୋଇ, ପାନ ଗୁଆ ଥୋଇ, ପାନ ଗୁଆ ତୋର, ମାସକ ଧରମ ମୋର।
Meaning of Aa Ka Ma Boi Pana Gua Thoi:
ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କୁହେ ଆକାମାବୈ = ଆ-ଆଷାଢ, କା-କାର୍ତ୍ତିକ, ମା-ମାର୍ଗଶିର ଓ ମାଘ, ବୈ-ବୈଶାଖ।
ଏହି ମାସ ମାନଙ୍କରେ ଜଳ ଦୂଷିତ ହେବା କାରଣରୁ ପ୍ରାତଃ ସ୍ନାନ ହିତକର।
ଏହି ସମୟରେ ମଧୁର ଜଳର ମାଛମାନଙ୍କୁ କର୍କଟ ରୋଗ ହୋଇଥାଏ, ସେହି ଦ୍ରୁଷ୍ଟିରୁ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କୁହେ ଆମିଷ ନ ଖାଇବା ପାଇଁ।
Here are the Aa Ka Ma Boi Images newly for 2024:
Must Check The Page: New 2024 BOITA BANDANA UTSAV Wishing Images
So, the above list is our collection of Aa Ka Ma Boi images. This is especially for the celebration of this year’s Kartika Purnima. You should download these wishing pics to your mobile or PC now. Then, share them with everyone wish them a Happy Boita Bandana Utsav or Danga Vasa.